Balancing Act: Thriving as a Female Entrepreneur and Coach

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Balancing Act: Thriving as a Female Entrepreneur and Coach

T Here are countless things that disrupt our ability to feel safe, stable or centered. And at times, no matter how hard we seek it, tranquility is elusive. In fact, the harder we seek it, the more elusive it seems.

When you’re in a negative place, high-vibe thoughts won’t resonate. They’ll just feel false. So instead of trying to leap, we have to gently guide ourselves back to joy by taking one small step at a time.

What is the emotional guidance scale?

The emotional guidance scale is a list of commonly felt emotions. These range from joy, appreciation, freedom, love and empowerment (the highest) to fear, despair, desperation, grief, and powerlessness (the lowest).

When you want to feel better, you can identify where you are on the emotional scale and proactively reach for better-feeling thoughts that lead to better-feeling emotions.

Once you’re stable in a new emotion, you’ve moved up the scale. Then you continue the practice of reaching for a better-feeling thought and moving up the scale to a higher-vibration emotion.

Here’s the emotional scale as described by Abraham-Hicks:

  • Joy/Appreciation
  • Empowerment/Freedom
  • Passion
  • Love
  • Happiness
  • Enthusiasm/Eagerness
  • Positive Expectation
  • Optimism
  • Optimism
  • Hopefulness
  • Contentment
  • Doubt

The emotional guidance scale is a list of commonly felt emotions. These range from joy, appreciation, freedom, love and empowerment (the highest) to fear, despair, desperation, grief, and powerlessness (the lowest).

The closer we are to joy, the more easily we attract what we want and become happy

When we’re in an energy of joy, we’re allowing ourselves to be Super Attractors. The closer we are to the emotion of joy, the more easily we attract what we want.

When you’re in a negative place, high-vibe thoughts won’t resonate. They’ll just feel false. So instead of trying to leap, we have to gently guide ourselves back to joy by taking one small step at a time.

But what about when we’re really far from joy… when we feel desperate, fearful or powerless?

In these situations it’s not wise to try to leap up the scale as fast as possible. (If you’ve ever tried to force yourself to feel happy when you’re far from it, then you know how hard it is.

Want to know the secret to manifesting? Manifesting isn’t about getting; it’s about allowing. As soon as you let go of control you become a magnet for what you desire.

The emotions we feel become the energy we emit

The emotional guidance scale is a list of commonly felt emotions. These range from joy, appreciation, freedom, love and empowerment (the highest) to fear, despair, desperation, grief, and powerlessness (the lowest).

We’re always manifesting, even if we’re not consciously aware of it.

Nime Anderson

As we lift ourselves out of a low vibration and move up the emotional scale, our point of attraction shifts. When we lean toward joy in any situation, we literally change the vibrational frequency of what’s happening around us!

How to move up the emotional guidance scale

The next time you notice yourself at the bottom of the emotional scale, gently practice reaching for better-feeling thoughts and emotions. Know that you can move up the scale bit by bit, step by step.

Within minutes you’ll be in a higher-vibration place because you’ll no longer be focusing on all the things that you think you need. Instead, you’ll redirect your focus onto how you can be of service to somebody else. The Universe greatly supports this energy.

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